Every 2 Hours I Get Super Sleepy and Then Wide Awake Again

In that location's zippo worse than getting into bed, all prepare to fall fast comatose, and so lying awake. For hours. And hours. Considering of the way life works, it's never on a day when you can sleep in and push button snooze a few extra times.

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Nope, it's always the dark earlier the biggest twenty-four hours of your unabridged life. As someone who'due south experienced this mode too many times, I know how it goes.

You lot e'er end upwards going through the same seven stages.

Stage 1: You try to fall asleep

Epitome: Giphy

This is the innocent stage. The stage before you know what lies alee. The phase when y'all nevertheless think eight solid hours of sleep is possible. Certain, you're yet awake, just you lot could fall comatose whatsoever 2nd. In fact, maybe you're asleep right now. OK, no, but again, any second you'll be in dreamland.

Phase 2: Y'all attempt to talk yourself into it

Epitome: Giphy

This is the phase where you attempt to sweet talk your brain to shutting itself off. "C'mon," you lot say to it, "yous know you're tired! You worked out today! And you skipped that second loving cup of coffee, so simply go to sleep. Don't recall nigh information technology, merely exercise it." But, alas, your trunk turned into a rebellious teenager the second you lot laid down and it's just rolling its optics at you. Sleep, as if!

Stage 3: Yous take a time-out on trying to sleep

Image: Giphy

This is the phase when yous try to pretend like you don't even demand sleep. If your encephalon isn't ready to close downwardly for the night, maybe it's a sign that you lot're not that tired. You choice upward your phone, you expect through Facebook, you lot even respond an email. What is sleep, just something you lot used to demand up until tonight?

Stage 4: Yous offset to panic about how late information technology is

Epitome: Giphy

This is the stage where you lot make the mistake of checking the time. Possibly it'due south only been a few minutes, yous tell yourself equally y'all sneak a glance. Nope! It'southward 2 a.m. You lot've never wanted to fall asleep more in your entire life. Yet, the realization that it's 2 a.one thousand. has your heart racing faster than ever. In fact, yous might even have a heart attack. Honestly though, a heart attack might be preferable to spending any more time staring at the ceiling.

Phase five: You lot beginning to confuse yourself with a mathematician

Image: Giphy

This is the stage where you start doing rapid calculations. If you lot fall asleep right now, you lot tin still get three hours. And 3 hours is good! OK, but you lot're not asleep notwithstanding. If you lot fall asleep in the next 20 minutes, y'all'll go two and a half hours and that'southward decent. People can function on that, right? All of a sudden, yous're working java into the equation. If you get ii hours of sleep then drinkable two cups of coffee every hour at work, you'll exist fine. Nay, y'all'll be amend than fine, y'all'll be flying.

Phase 6: Yous accept that you're never going to fall asleep

Paradigm: Giphy

This is the stage when you just give up and give in to the facts: You lot're not getting any sleep tonight. In fact, you might never go sleep again. You will be awake for the residual of your life. You will never exist allowed to operate heavy machinery considering you will always be drowsy. Maybe that's non the worst affair. Heavy machinery sounds dangerous anyways.

Stage 7: You wake up to the sound of an alarm

Image: Giphy

This is the phase when you realize that at some point yous cruel asleep. But when? Recently, because you feel horrible. Mayhap as recently as five minutes ago. Y'all experience similar a boulder hitting you and that getting out of bed volition surely kill you. Has anyone ever died from getting out of bed? You don't know, but yous take the risk and start moving. But kidding. Y'all press snooze over and over and over.

More than on sleep issues

13 Annoying things that happen when you're trying to sleep
15 Tips for the best sleep ever
7 Tricks to autumn asleep when it seems impossible


Source: https://www.sheknows.com/health-and-wellness/articles/1078115/stages-of-lying-awake/

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